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Why did Trump win again? See how Gen Z men voted

Why did Trump win again? See how Gen Z men voted

It turns out that the Trump-Vance campaign’s strategy of brother-sister conservatism worked and was a big part of what won them the White House. You can thank Generation Z voters for that.


Contrary to all expectations, Donald Trump won his second term in office. It’s a victory he can partly thank Gen Z men for.

Voting data Trump is overperforming, says The Wall Street Journal generation ZThose born between 1997 and 2012 made significantly more gains among men than women when compared to their scores in 2020.

Although many experts (including me) on reflection, it became clear that the Trump-Vance campaign’s strategy of brother-sister conservatism was working and was a big part of what won them the White House.

Republicans have so far struggled among Gen Z

Generation Z as a whole Shifts to the right in 2024It further exacerbates a trend line that spans the last three elections. While Republicans have made steady gains among young voters in both 2020 and 2022, Trump’s gains this year suggest the GOP may not be as weak as many think.

Between 2020 and 2024, Generation Z men shifted 15 percentage points to the rightthe biggest age/gender shift in this election. Women in the same age range advanced 7 points in the same direction.

But it wasn’t just the change in men that pushed Trump aside. Seen spikes in minority votersAccording to NBC News data.

Trump overperformed latest pre-election pollsThis showed he had a nearly 20-point disadvantage among Gen Z, and likely an even larger gap among Gen Z voters.

Much of this change has to do with economics; The No. 1 issue for Gen Z as a whole, and the issue they trust Trump more than Vice President Kamala Harris: 31% of Generation Z said the economy is their priority An issue that voters are curious about before the election long preferred Trump is ahead, although polls on the issue have recently tightened.

Despite Young Americans prefer Harris’ character Given Trump’s abortion policy is the biggest motivator for the 2022 vote, Trump’s competitiveness in the economy has been enough to tighten the vote among young people.

Gen Z still poses a problem for Republicans, but they have a path to victory

Gen Z women continue to be more left-leaning than men, so Trump lost the generation as a whole. But the 15-point shift in her favor among Gen Z men in this election compared to 2020 has mitigated much of the Democrats’ advantage.

Young Americans still favor Democrats, but Trump has shown the way to victory. Young men and women seem to care about very different things.

If Trump can improve the economy, he could largely confirm why younger voters are more likely to break in his favor, even as they remain disengaged from him on most social issues. To capitalize on the surprise turnaround among young adults, Republicans need to deliver results on the really important issue.

If Trump can’t deliver on the economic success he and the GOP have promised, Republicans may have a hard time defending the inevitable bullshit inflicted on Americans in Trump’s second term.

Right now, young Americans can tolerate Trump if the economy goes well, but protectionist trade policies It has a negative impact on Americans’ pockets.

The Gen Z vote remains one of the most impressive achievements of Trump’s reelection success, and he owes it to young Americans to actually deliver on his promises.

Dace Potas is a columnist for USA TODAY and graduated from DePaul University with a degree in political science.