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Supermodel Explains Why The Best Way To Be Successful Is To Be Silly

Supermodel Explains Why The Best Way To Be Successful Is To Be Silly

You’re probably furiously clicking on this headline and wondering how being “stupid” can be the key to success, but you’ll be surprised by this supermodel’s valid argument about the benefits that the right amount of ignorance can provide. your life.

But is this really ignorance or just indisputable courage?

A supermodel took to TikTok to explain why being “silly” might be the best way to achieve success.

woman passing by @texasgardenfairyxHe began his video with the claim that “stupid people have a better chance of being successful than smart people.”

And in case you were wondering, being himself an intelligent individual with an extremely analytical mind, he confirmed that those with less intelligence tend to “get further in life.”

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He elaborated on this complex theory by determining that both smart and stupid people have one thing in common: “a propensity for fear.” He explained that individuals with lower intelligence levels will likely do as they are told and follow the path most traveled when they are afraid. Those with greater intelligence will similarly avoid taking action because they have a habit of “analyzing things to death” when experiencing fear.

The model emphasized the importance of taking “imperfect action” in our lives because that is what will move us forward.

“I kind of person who exaggerates everything” she shared. “I have to make sure that I think about everything that could go wrong, everything that could go right, every step, everything needs to be mapped out, and that keeps me from taking action.”

The model emphasized the importance of thinking less and acting more.

His advice did not suggest that one must be stupid to be successful. Rather, they must be brave enough to take risks despite their constant obsession with the outcome.

“I’m afraid of looking stupid; “I’m afraid of making mistakes,” he explained. “This kind of fear that arises through analysis, even if you are intelligent enough to have this kind of capacity… will ultimately paralyze you and hold you back.”

He shared how most of the successful people he met The people in his life were not particularly smart or stupid; They were action oriented. And their unwavering belief in themselves allowed them to create a meaningful and prosperous life.

“You won’t think about your way to success,” the supermodel said. “You are leaving to feel the road to success.

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Of course, an intelligent and analytical mind can also have its benefits in the professional world, but a strong sense of intuition and confidence in yourself is what will create a victorious future.

The majority of overthinkers in the world also tend to be some of the smartest people. However, their overactive minds often get in the way of their own success.

Michelle CederbergA health and productivity expert (and an avid overthinker himself) suggested that the “enemy” of one’s success is not a lack of knowledge, money, or preparation, but our mind’s own resilience.

He suggested some ways other overthinking friends could learn to overcome the bad habit that sometimes seems impossible to ignore; for example, asking for support, knowing productive times of the day, and celebrate small daily victories.

You don’t need all the answers to be successful in life. You just need to trust yourself.

Everyone experiences fear.

Life is full of contrasts between fear and love; You can’t have one without the other. But by choosing to lean into love, trust, and confidence without needing to dot every i and cross every t, you will save yourself a lifetime of anxiety for something you always had the potential to achieve.

You have to follow the emotions; “There is something very intuitive about moving forward and being successful that is very much based on belief,” the model added. “As long as you fill your days with action, you will be successful.”

Dare to take the next step, even if you don’t have all the answers yet. Whatever the outcome, you will learn something from this experience one way or another, and it may open the door to new opportunities you might not have otherwise imagined.

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Francesca Duarte is a writer on YourTango’s news and entertainment team based in Orlando, FL. It deals with topics of lifestyle, human interest, adventure and spirituality.