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Newly released bourbon benefits Colorado firefighters

Newly released bourbon benefits Colorado firefighters

Newly released bourbon benefits Colorado firefighters
Big Blaze Bourbon is made with charred aspen harvested from Grand County. Proceeds Major Fire Protection District No. It will be transferred to 1.

Locke + Co. Distillation/Courtesy photo

Colorado distillery Locke + Co. released a new product called Big Blaze Bourbon on October 28th. This is a whiskey aged in 2020 with aspen roasted by the Eastern Troubled Fire. Proceeds from the bourbon will go to Major Fire Protection District No. 1 Expanding community fire assessment and prevention measures around Grand County.

The newly released bourbon uses a blend of locally harvested charred aspen and a high rye and high wheat mash matured in oak barrels for two years.

“Seasoned bourbon aficionados and curious explorers can experience whiskey made from the ashes produced by Colorado’s second-largest wildfire in history and support the people on the front lines risking their lives to contain the blaze,” a news release from Locke + Co. said. .

Big Blaze Bourbon is approximately 47 alcohol by volume. Available at select restaurants, bars and liquor stores in Grand County. To learn more about where to buy bourbon, visit the store locator on Locke + Co.’s website:

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